Saturday, December 3, 2011

My Sweet Saturdays post......Week 35

Hi Everyone.....

what a wonderful week....and it all ended with the most amazing time at our son's school where they had me in for Author's week....The children were as sweet as can be and really make me grateful for what I do each and every day.....I talked about some of my books with them and read a story to them and then showed them my sketch books and walked through my process.....they were so into the whole presentation and my heart was so thrilled with this amazing event.....Every time I see children and their excitement over a book and illustrations I am even more inspired to work harder at what I is the Sweetest gift anyone could ever ask for.....and I am so inspired with all sorts of new ideas for my future books.....

So for Sweet Saturdays this week, I have a little Gingerbread man watercolour and ink to share with you all along with my Sweet Author Week just couldn't get any sweeter than this....

Thank you for all of your visits and your all make a big difference in my world....

Happy Sweet Saturday and Happy Creating!


  1. Hi Diana, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your sweet Saturdays, I have just been so busy lately. That gingerman looks good enought to eat.I'm sure the children enjoyed your wonderful stories. Very nice. Have a great weekend.

  2. Thank you Gloria!!!!! I had the greatest time!!!!!

  3. So happy for you your day at school was such a success!
    I can just imagine how perfect it was!
    And such fun for them to meet a real writer/illustrator in person!
    Your ginger man and snow men are great!!!!

    Enjoy your weekend♥

  4. Ma chère Diana,
    Tu es finalement au fond de toi une enfant qui a grandi sans oublier que grâce à ton enfance tu es devenue ce que tu es... Tu aimes donner aux enfants car tu reçois aussi et c'est parce que tu donnes beaucoup que tu es heureuse... Ne change pas.
    Ton petit bonhomme de pain d'épice est aussi beau que ton coeur.
    Gros bisous

  5. Gingerbread w/c looks 'good enough to eat' ~ How blessed you are to be a writer and illustrator for children ~ 'they do light up your life'. ~ namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Loving your gingerbread man. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  7. An adorable gingerbread! Congrats on such a great visit with the kids!

  8. I love that our posts include kids and gingerbread :) In elementary school I was fortunate to go to a 'young author's conference'. My favorite part was when the featured author/illustrator read you their book, and you could buy it and have it signed... always LOVED going to those (only a few students were chosen from the school). How awesome you got the chance to be that author/illustrator to those children! They WILL remember it :) I'm sure your son was SO proud of you too!

  9. Love your gingerbread man and that your author day was super!

  10. Oh, so the ginger! Too cute!


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