Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My latest series.....the Windows of New York - Part I

What can I say.....the whole reason I head to New York city during the holidays is to get inspired and the windows along the main streets always blow me away....so I am starting a whole new series of pieces as inspired by some of my favorite shop windows......I located this amazing window on 5th Avenue and was blown away by how much was happening in this window....it was very inspiring to create my first piece in this collection.....and I am happy with the way it turned out.....I think these would be so amazing hung next to each other so I am selling these in sets....photo print and art print......

I think the windows in New York this Season all scream one thing....."More is More"

Well off to get inspired by my next window....

Happy Tuesday Everyone....and Happy Creating!!!


  1. Wow Diana am so loving your new wonderful artwork, its amazing my friend. x

  2. Thank you Annette!!!! I am having the time of my life with these!!!!

  3. LOVE!

  4. Thanks Georgie!!!!

  5. Lovely art, beautiful inspiration!

  6. Tu as toujours, ma très chère Diana, une formidable manière d'interprétation pleine de créativité, de talent et de bonheur sans cesse renouvelé...
    La vitrine qui t'a inspirée est chargée d'objets qui t'entraînent à la rêverie... et ce rêve se perpétue grâce à tes oeuvres.
    Quelle grâce dans cette dernière ! De la poésie, du romantisme, bercé au doux son de la musique... Sous sa forme féline, elle charme les oiseaux... M A G N I F I Q U E.
    Gros bisous ma chère et un grand merci je suis fascinée.

  7. Wouldn't it be funny if we had bumped into each other on Fifth Ave?! lol I loveee what you came up with, Diana! Your blog is so much fun to visit :))

  8. Anonymous3:20 AM

    love, love, love New York city. it is truly the most magical of cities and they do Christmas like nowhere else I've ever been. Your window display inspired art is gorgeous and what a great way to get inspiration!

  9. Beautiful, elegant and festive.

  10. Your illustration is just beautiful! I have never been to New York City but I can see how the windows would be an inspiration. You have just given me something to add to my dream list. Hope you are enjoying the holidays.

  11. Wow Diana. I really enjoyed seeing your process, going from inspiration to final painting. I am looking forward to seeing more.

  12. Wow! What a fabulous window - and what a fabulous drawing! How fun!
    One of these days I hope to go to NY and wander the streets...


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