Wednesday, December 28, 2011

It is a little bit late....but you know what they say....better late than never....

Hi finally feels like Christmas!!!! Lastnight the snow started falling and it was the perfect know the kind, big slow falling flakes that stick to everything.....the trees looked amazing and we couldn't help but head outside even in the dark to participate in some fun Snow Angels ....snowball fights and just plain fun.....

So today I thought I would share a quick little skater girl sketch inspired by lastnight....and some of our photos from our first snowfall!!!! not enough to build our first snowman of the Season....but enough to make everything feel like Christmas......

Happy Day and Happy Creating Everyone!!!!


  1. LOVE your new little piece of art. She's cute. And the photos of the snow and your adorable boy are oh so fun and cute. Yeah for snow!! :)

  2. Thank you so much Sophia!!!! I was so thrilled to see some snow....everyday Cole it Christmas...because without snow can't be lastnight we played in the snow!! and it finally felt like Christmas!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    now thats beautiful,

  4. Cette petite patineuse te ressemble beaucoup ma chère Diana! Elle paraît si heureuse tout comme ton petit bouchon qui se vautre dans la neige de bonheur!
    Des photos qui font du bien à regarder...
    Je te remercie pour l'ensemble de tes gentils commentaires... Je ne sais pas si je pourrai me connecter internet avant le 8 janvier... Mais sache que je pense fort à toi...
    Je te renouvelle mes voeux pour toi et tous ceux que tu aimes, afin que tout soit possible y compris le bonheur...
    Très très GROS BISOUS

  5. Oh she is a real cutie :)
    Great photos. We are still waiting for some real snowfall :)

  6. Wonderful! Looks so lovely and fun!

  7. Oh WHAT fun! These photos look great. I love the little added texture to sk8er girl ;)

  8. the snow is pretty, but I don't miss it (much) lol.

  9. O my O my... i do miss the experience of playing in the snow :). So happy to see you and Cole appy New Year, Diana.

  10. Love your skater girl Diana! Great snow pics! We are still waiting down her in southern NY. Weird weather but for now I am ok with that! :)


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