Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Needing more focus ....creating my Vison Board.....

Vision Board

As an artist we see things differently than most people....we are often times I find that writing down things and having lists works ...but when I need more focus in my life I need to visualize things....

I remember years ago when I used to go golfing with some friends that went all the time....I told them on the course to just visualize where you want the ball to go ....they would get so mad at me ....and laugh when I said it...but I ended up with better scores than the seasoned pros in our team....all because of visualization....

Things have been so busy around here that I thought I would take some time to re-focus ....and set up my visual dream board.....

All you have to do is the following.....
  • get a big piece of really thick paper....I used a huge 140lb watercolour paper
  • some art and magazines to pick things from....
  • scissors
  • double sided tape and glue
  • yellow watercolour paint
  • a photo of you that you like as a focal point
and do the following

1. Paint a yellow border around the Vision Board to help put focus and light around what you want to bring to your life.
2. Place your photo in the center
3. Surround the board with things that you want to bring to your how you want to feel, where you want to go or want you want to have.
4. Make sure you have fun with it
5. Make sure you spend time every morning looking at your Vision Board and every night....when you look at each piece remind yourself what you want to feel, where you want to go and what you want to achieve.
6. Expect these wonderful feelings , places and achievements to manifest in your life in the appropriate time.

you can also add and update your board as you need to.....your life can be whatever you want it to be.....


  1. FOCUS???
    I'm supposed to FOCUS??? ;-D
    you should see me this morning~~you'd have your laugh for the day, especially since the brain and fingers are going different directions! (seriously, I can NOT type this morning!)
    I have always considered doing one of these and never got to it.
    I am the Queen of Procrastination, alas!

    Anne (adjusting her tarnished crown...)

  2. Oh, dear, dear, sweet Diana.
    You are the anti-josh pincus.

  3. i love the images on this blog!!!

  4. Toujours pleine de ressources et de magnifiques résultats...
    Je manque de temps ces jours-ci, cependant je t'ai mise à l'honneur sur mon blog hier...
    Gros bisous.

  5. I will take that as a compliment Josh!!! lol

    Thank you Froot!!!

    Thank you Martine!!!!

  6. I like the idea of a vision board. Yours is great. Thanks for sharing and giving ideas.

  7. I love it!! I am in the process of making my own vision board!! I hope I can get all of what I want on it. It will probably be 10 feet tall!!!

    I am a firm believer in visualization. Great job inspiring!!

    I forgot to tell you yesterday ( i think) that I'm having a giveaway on my blog. It is on Monday's post, or a link on the top of today's post. hope you join in. You don't haave to do anything crazy, just leave a comment!


  8. Thanks Gloria!!!

    Thanks Daniella!!! I really had fun with this and I am going to focus on the things I want in my life....

    Thanks for telling us about the giveaway!!!! will run over and check it out!!!!

  9. I am so with you on the visualization. I have a board that I've been meaning to put up as well, but yet to do so. Maybe, just maybe, I'll do it this week! :)

  10. Hi Sophia!!! thanks for popping by!!! I think you will love working on your board!!! it was an eye opener for me and a great way to focus!!!!

  11. hi diana!
    what a great post!
    i love your vision board!

  12. Brilliant idea, Diana! What a nice way to prioritize!

  13. love this idea Diana, and yours is fantastic. I see a happy person here that is going places!

  14. Love your board Diana.great idea and very inspiring!

  15. Hi
    It's funny my friend and I make these all of the time, and I thought about doing a post about it! Great vision board you really works!!! What we visualize comes to be! Have a great day Diana! xo

  16. Diana,
    Someone just blogged about 100 illustrations needing 10 more artists....and they directed us to you! I don't see anything on your blog about it, though. ?? I would love to be a part of it, can you please email me at about it?

    Thanks!! :)

  17. Love your vision board! Thanks for sharing it! I'm in the process of making one myself. :)


Thank you for popping by my blog.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and look forward to hearing from you. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. You can also check out more of my work on my web site....

Have a wonderful day or night...