Monday, March 1, 2010

Enchanted by the winter games!! and so very Proud of my wonderful country and Athletes

Hi Everyone....

These past few weeks have been magical to say the least....It is so wonderful that we hosted the 21st Winter Games here in Canada...but to also break some records for the most Gold Medals is like icing on the cake...

We watched our men's hockey team yesterday and were on the edge of our seats throughout a wonderful game....Then with our hearts racing we watched Sidney Crosby score the winning goal! There were screams and tears at every Olympic Party here in was a very proud moment to say the can see some awesome photos by heading here...

There were so many touching experiences throughout the games this year....and I hope you all learned a little more about Canada and I hope you all know that we always welcome you back...

This week's theme on MMM is "enchanted" and I couldn't think of anything better than a tribute to these Olympic Winter here is my piece....I have some special paintings in the works....that I will show you later...but here is a quick piece I worked on during the closing ceremonies....

Happy Monday!!!



  1. Wow this is stunning.
    So wonderful winter games.

  2. Beautiful! And congrats to Canada for hosting the Olympics. Great hockey game!!

  3. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Wonderful design, and I think the games have been enchanting, too.

  4. These were gorgeous winter-games. I saw the ice- hockey match Canada vs USA yesterday.
    That was a thrilling game ( i cheered for Canade, they were such great hosts.
    You can really be proud.
    By the way, I am very proud too, for Germany is on second place , before the USA with 10 gold medals, and we are just a smmall country.
    Hip, hip hurra!

    Have a great week

  5. Great take on the challenge!

  6. It has been great!!!!
    Wonderful illo and love your new blog look!!!!!!
    Super cool!

  7. Wonderful, Diana, and congratulations to Canada!!!

  8. Fantastic piece, girlfriend! You did Canadians proud with this one.
    I have the last Canadian Olympic hat they wore but I now need the one they wore last night that you're showing here!!

  9. Hi Diana,

    Congratulations to Canada ~ your team did wonderfully!
    Love your Artwork and sums up how proud you must be all feeling.

    Have a happy week

  10. Congratulations to Canada on hosting such a wonderful Olympic experience and fabulous games! The hockey game was unbelievable! Hugs, Terri

    PS I LOVE the new blog look!!!

  11. A lovely tribute to the Games Diana- your work is always enchanting!

  12. Hi Diana! thanx for your sweet comment and congratulations on the Olympics! :D

  13. Diana, you are an amazing artist! We aren't Canadian but we did watch many of the games and could feel the Canadian pride in its athletes. This is a wonderful and very beautiful tribute. Kudos!

  14. Beautiful illo, and what a wonderful game yesterday!!!

    Yeah, we are partial to Sid, being the star player of our favorite hockey team! :)

  15. This is wonderful, Diana! Thanks for sharing your pride and enthusiasm for our great country. It was extraordinary and enchanting for sure - the waves of red and the spontaneous singing of Oh Canada were remarkable. Cheers, Canada! Cheers, Diana!

    Hugs - Rhonda

  16. What a beautiful painting, Diana! You should be very proud of your country with the Games! Diane

  17. Hi Diana!!!!! One beautiful work yet!!! =)
    Bravo Сanada!!! I watch how won Canada in hockey, it was just fantastic!!! On the last second and Gollllll...
    Вы лучшие, молодцы!!!

  18. This is a very cool illustration, as are all of your illustrations.
    People who create "happy" pieces of art and who express optimism intrigue me.

    I guess you can figure out why.

    Keep up the great work, Diana.

  19. Oh Diane, what a lovely tribute! I loved the games myself, and really enjoyed the hockey, especially Sunday nights game!!! Hooraaaay for Canada!!!

  20. I totally missed the Olympic because of work t when I heard the canadian team won the hockey gold medal guess who I thought of immediately? YOU!!!

    I said "Oooooh Diana will be so happy. I wonder if she will blog about it." Hahahha! Okay I only said the first part. I knew you will blog about it. I don't blame you. I was even proud of your team.

    COLE! that boy handsome or what!? He is so good looking. The second photo is so darling. Here's a kiss for Cole. TSUP!

  21. Fabulous. I love the words across the background. I always love the colors you choose. LOVE her hair. Stylist's name please...teehee.
    ♥ Deb


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