Saturday, August 1, 2009

The fruits of our labour....

Hi Everyone....we picked up some yummy treats from our vegetable garden...I had no idea everything would be so huge within a few days....the weather has been perfect for zucchini and cauliflower....then we cooked up some yummy food ...a recipe for zucchini that you should all try is here.....and I also made some yummy chocolate zucchini cupcakes...(gotta sneak in all the vegetables I can into treats for Cole) he loved eating the food we picked....
Have a wonderful Saturday!!!


  1. Oh wow Diana - all the food looks spectacular! How wonderful for you all xxx

  2. That sounds like a great zuchinni recipe! And so colorful too. I have a giant zuchinni to use this weekend.

  3. Wow, that is one BIG cauli! And I have never heard of zucchini cookies. I am impressed!

  4. Oh, that food looks amazing! The cauliflower is bigger than Cole's head!! Thanks for the recipe - I'll have to try it... Could use one of those colorful cupcakes right now! :) Silke

  5. That has to be the loveliest head of cauliflower I have ever seen! Oh and I do love cauliflower!
    Your photos are so crisp and clear. You take great photos. What kind of camera do you use? I am looking into digital SLR.
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. Wow that cauliflower is amazing. Everything looks delicious.
    Hi Cole!!!

  7. OMG! Look at those produce! When I saw the word labour, something came to mind but I thought it's pretty so soon ! :0

  8. ha ha chocolate that would take the world market by storm. what a fun idea to get a boy to eat his veg.

  9. OMG Diana! I cannot believe how huge your zucchini and cauliflower are! Showed mom and she is jealous ... lol she can't even get a few red tomatoes from her garden.

  10. what a fabulous post and thanks so much for sharing this recipe with us. I can't wait to try it. The cup cakes look so yummy, but not as deliciously cute as the boy. Your son is just beautiful. hee he hee he! Have a wonderful week.

  11. That is a most impressive head of cauliflower! Wow!


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