Hi Everyone....
I created my take on unfold today and had some fun making it animated....
Her name is Liberty and she was so cramped in her cocoon....when she finally unfolded her wings she finally knew what freedom felt like.....
Hope you all have a fab weekend!!!
Really cool Diana. She is just lovely and adding the animation to the wings was a really nice touch. Have a good weekend and thanks for sharing.
OH SO NICE!!How wonderful that her wings really unfold!
Have a nice weekend!
Beautiful Diana! A perfect unfold.
I love Liberty.
Have a wonderful weekend,
I LOVE the animation! So much fun! And perfect for the topic. Have a great weekend! :) Silke
Diana, she's perfect! And a good symbol for women everywhere ;)
I miss doing "IF." Maybe I'll find the time this week. I think it's aomething I should do for myself before all of my art supplies are packed for the move!
have a super weekend :)
thanks everyone!!! you are all so sweet!!!
OMG...animation too! Liberty is beautiful! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! xoxo Diane
This is so fabulous! Your beautiful art always lifts me up- love the animation - you are very clever!
That is SO awesome!!!!
oh my gosh diana!
that is so cool! how did you do that? :)
oh wowie1 how do you do that? i bet this is the best one i've ever seen. till your next one...tee hee. have you recovered from your second honeymoon yet?
What a brilliant idea!!! LOVE the animation, you really are clever!!! I'm about to put my thinking cap on for my Illustration Friday.......
Love the picture Diana.
Laughed at your comment as you know I couldn't even draw a stick figure if I tried.
This is so cool and it's me!!! Totally ME!!! Vanessa mean Butterfly. This is always the picture I have in my head. How wonderful Diana!!!
Okay, I am envious! You are so prolific you have the appropriate image posted for IF right away. I can't even think of anything - drought! The heat index fried my brain!
Great image, very appropriate.
Great idea!
I always wonder how butterflies could transform this way? so lovely image and great interpretation for this prompt!
btw thank you so much for kind words! have a nice weekend to you too!
How beautiful! LOVE the illo and the animation!
Great illustration...and I love the animation!
Very fun! Love the animation!
Had to tell you a Cupcakery is opening up here on the island. I don't know why your blog makes me crave cupcakes, it's crazy, now I'll have a place to go and get my fix.
This is absolutely delightful!
Ooh lot's of fun. Very nicely done and dreamy.
your art is amazing...and now it's animated ???? wow !!!!
Just when you think your illustrations can't get any better, you ANIMATE them! Well done, D!
this is so cool fun and fabulous, the animation is so lovely!
wonderful idea and lovely illo
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