Friday, May 8, 2009

Illustration Friday - Parade - Waiting for the Mother's Day Parade....

Hi Emily...she was the sweetest little daughter ever....she saved the best seats for the Mother's Day Parade....her Mom was on her way to meet her....she tied a special balloon to the park bench and wrapped her Mom's present in the cutest cupcake box....what fun!!!!

I wish my Mom the greatest Mother's Day ever...she is one of the most amazing women in the world...and I feel so blessed to have learned so much from her....I love you MOM!!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful Moms and Grandmothers out there and to the Dads that are Moms too.....

Have a wonderful Friday and don't forget to enter my May Giveaway....sidebar link.....



  1. Aw! That's so adorable. I love everything about it!
    I hope you have an unforgettable Mother's Day!

  2. oh thanks Edrian!!! I wish you a wonderful and magical Mother's Day too!!!

  3. hi diana!
    what a wonderful post!
    have a great mother's day!

  4. Very lovely illustration- really captures the warmth and sentiments of Mother's Day-hope you have a memorable one!

  5. She's so beautiful - enjoy a very special Mother's day with your family. xxxx

  6. Ahhh what an adorable illustration!
    I love your devotion to your family. That you come from a warm nest show through in your personality and work.
    I´m sure you are a great mom yourself Diana!
    So you enjoy Sunday as well!

    Have a nice weekend!
    love >M<

  7. Lovely tribute and oh so charming! I hope you have a fantastic Mothers Day too Diana.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. very sweet :)

    happy Mother's day to you too .....

  9. Your Mom must be indeed an amazing woman Diana because the apples don't fall far from the tree. Look at you - you fascinating, beuatiful terrific, talented, beautiful, pretty, gifted, beautiful woman, mother YOU!

  10. Lovely piece and sentiment! Happy Mother's Day...

  11. Beautiful illo Diana!!

  12. how cool are you and your cupcake-y illustration! well done, d!

  13. Oh, Diana! I've had the best time looking through all the wonderful posts I've missed. I love this piece and all its happy colors. You've captured that sense of excitement that comes with the anticipation of a loved one. Beautiful! And your mother is beautiful -- OMG, monkey cupcakes?! Your father in law was indeed a very amazing and handsome man. I can see a little of him in your adorable, artistic Cole. And WHOA, what huge cookies. The biggest ones were for Cole, right? I loved seeing all of these!

  14. Diana, this is very cute and is a very original idea seeing people who will see the parade!


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