Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Calendar Boy and some Autumnal Splendor....

Hi Everyone....
For the last two years I carved out a pumpkin for Cole ....his first photo was submitted in a contest last year!
Cole won and was our calendar boy for the month of October....this year in 2008!!!
He is so sweet.....
Then the second year, 2007 I got a bigger pumpkin for him to get into...
Wish me luck finding a bigger pumpkin for this year!!!!

Here is our cute munchkin in his first Calendar!!! he is so sweet.....

and here is a photo of the Autumn splendor all around....
I love Fall and the colours you see each and every day...
It is as though God is painting and waiting for us to notice his masterpieces....
Have a wonderful day!!!!


  1. OMG!! those pumpkin photos are too adorable!!!!

  2. oh diana!
    your post made me smile big time.
    thank you for your kind words today.
    you made us feel much better.
    m & e

  3. Cole is adorable in the pumkin. How cool that he won the contest and was on the calendar.
    When he becomes too big for the available pumpkins you can always buy a big one , cut out the back and have Cole pose on his belly. I'll get the picture, you too?
    The faal picture is great. I can imagine fall is great over there, here it sucks......
    Have a great fall Diana!

  4. Hi Diana,

    Cole is such a cutie. Good luck on your pumpkin hunt :)

    Stop by my blog a.s.a.p, I've got a surprise for you :)

    Hugs, Danette

  5. That little Cole is just too adorable! I could just hug that little guy! Good luck finding that pumpkin. Your fall pic is gorgeous. I don't believe there's a prettier time of year. Unfortunatly, I usually have to leave Southern Ca. to experience it. Have a great week!

  6. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Cole is so cute Diana and that is a neat tradition. hope you find a big one this year

  7. Oh that is the sweetest idea! :-)

  8. that is hilarious!!

  9. Anonymous4:04 PM

    very cute. good luck with the pumpkin search

  10. Anonymous5:23 PM

    How cute is that? You can always try growing one of those monster award-winning pumpkins :-) I'm looking forward to getting some fall color later this month; we're visiting North Carolina.

  11. This is tooo cute for words!!!! I love both pictures, seeing how he grew and then him in an even bigger pumpkin as well. What fantastic memories you are creating for Cole.... not to mention fun pictures to pull out when the girlfriends begin coming round. =)
    Thanks for sharing.

  12. hihi might be hard to find a fit this year!

    I forgot just how spectacular the foliage get in Canada! I read a delightful quote the other day that fall was like a second spring with the turning of the leaves…

  13. It really IS such a glorious time of the year, my friend! And it is even better seeing Cole in his ever growning pumpkin! The calendar photo is so amazing. Love your Hallowe'en art too...can't wait to see more as the week progresses...hugs...

  14. Oh my, I remember seeing this before... Good luck squashing him into the next one! Your fall looks beautiful indeed. x

  15. Okay sent me! I seem to be in a baby in a pumpkin time warp or something!!

    I stumble your photo btw!

  16. Great pumpkin shot! :)

  17. Hi Diana...
    Cole in the pumpkins is just too adorable!!! Good luck finding a bigger pumpkin.. Maybe as the years go by he could be wearing 2 as shoes and so on!! VBG
    Made me think about a series I did with a big red bath towel.... We photographed each of the 4 kids wrapped in it after a each child came along the red towel wasn't so red anymore and finally when we got a scotch terrier dog we photographed "Angus" in it..... by then it was pretty faded but still gave us a smile!!!
    Love your illustrations.....
    Happy Thanksgiving..


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