Thursday, February 14, 2008

"Yummy Sketch of the Day" Requests - Mocha Ice Cream Pie and a French Maid - and some fun updates from a great Valentine's Day....

Hi Everyone....

The day started off with a fun session with our son drawing Valentine's for Daddy....then we made a wonderful feast for dinner...ended it with a slice of the cake I made and then watched Celebrity ...what a crazy show tonight....why can't we all just get along....

Today I feature two special requests that I received in my comments over the last week....I had a special request for a nice slice of mocha ice cream pie ....and a funny request from one of my best friends....Carmen requested a french maid outfit....this is actually a special request for our friend Mary who had a special date tonight and this is what she was planning on wearing...(Dan you lucky guy) The fun thing is that my best friend Mary is dating my husbands best friend Dan where ever we go we have everyone is tons of fun....

Can't wait to hear the scoop from tonight when we all do our massive shopping trip Saturday....

and then for the more toned down Valentine's day I added some photos of our son drawing with me today (funny how he likes working like Mommy...both hands)
and him eyeing that cake....I love when he yells "cake" it is so cute....

and to end tonights post a photo of the huge peanut butter cookie Brad is taking to work to share with all his friends....I made a chocolate ganache on top...yummm! and ofcourse I had to make special lattes for us....hearts all around..and a great day and night....

pop by often and feel free to make special requests...I love working on special requests...




  1. That cookie looks positively sinful! Love the lattes too... sounds like you had a wonderful day. ;-)

  2. Thanks Honor...

    I always love just spending time at home with my two favorite men in the world...
    thanks for popping by!

  3. Anonymous12:33 AM

    french maid looks like someone had a great evening your friends sound nice and it has nothing to do with the french maid thingy seriously. lol

  4. Anonymous12:42 AM

    already painting and crafting how sweet and that food is just amazing. How do you do it all?

  5. A picture perfect Valentine's Day! Wow, how wonderful! And everything looks so nice and festive. Your son is SO adorable!

    Thanks Diana...I have had such a great time celebrating the Valentine's season with you!!

  6. Loved your post Diana....what a full Valentine's Day you had. Sorry to disappoint you with no VD collage...between power outages and getting ready for compnay, there was no time for playing in the studio this week. Have a wonderful weekend....enjoy shopping with the gals.

  7. Okay, what's the deal with this pictures? Everything is so clean, even the sprinkle dust in the counter looks artistic, like a House Beautiful photograph. Your son is so adorable, look at those eyes. I can just imagine you having fun Diana and no wonder. What a lovely setting.

  8. Diana, I love the french maid outfit! I hope Mary had fun last night wearing it ... LOL! Love the fish net stockings too! I still can't believe you drew it though ... thanks!

  9. Hi Diana!
    Wow! Your desserts and coffees are amazing! Your son always makes me smile. He is so cute!
    I thought Celebrity Apprentice was really a non-show and just pretty disturbing to be honest. The good news is, it really cannot get any worse than that. Ha!
    I also wanted to ask you, is your blogger email notification of comments working? Mine has be broken since yesterday.I am just wondering if it is me or blogger. :)
    Have a wonderful day!
    :) m

  10. Thanks David....I am sure they had the most memorable Valentine's Day ever...

    Alison...thanks for the post and I love enjoying time teaching our son new things...

    Kathleen...always nice to see you here and so happy to share my treats with such a wonderful person...Cole is a cutie pie...thanks

    Nancy....I love all of your work and sorry to hear about your power outage...I hate when that happens...especially when I am so dependant on everything that requires power....

    Hi Ces....hahaha you're too funny...I have to have everything in it's place...I am a bit of a nut when it comes to organizing things....but then again my studio is a bit of a mess right now....Thanks for the sweet comment about Cole...I sure do have fun with him....I love getting him to do creative things....

    Carmen....I knew you thought I forgot about your request.....but I would never....I think it is hilarious...I may have to use it on MAry's Birthday

    Melissa....great to have you pop by and thanks for the sweet comment....and I agree totally about Celebrity Apprentice....what a horrible show with the worst behaviour ever....i was shocked....
    and my e-mail notifications work...

    Cheers everyone and thanks for popping by....I love hearing from you all...


  11. Hi Diana!
    I have to see your chain saw art! will you post a picture one day? you are the coolest!

  12. wow yummy cakes...(drooling)

    when i saw the maid's costume i thought that was your's yestredah (laughing)

    i came here to congratulate you for winning the monthly art awart at monday art day

    and keep up the niceness and good work D

    ..a new york hug

  13. Happy Valentine's Day! (belatedly)

  14. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Can you draw some salmon with all the fixings? My best friend and I went out for dinner last weekend and had some out-of-this-world salmon! Thanks and have a great long weekend!


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Have a wonderful day or night...