Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yummy Sketch of the Day - Chocolate Marble Bundt Cake , a cute little black orchid blooms again and my baking...

Hi Everyone...

I was tagged by Nancy Lefko a few days ago to identify a few interesting facts about me...
so here goes...

1. I like to sculpt in metal and weld sculptures..I usually do this with my Dad or Brad to help me...

2. I am seriously thinking about opening up a Business with 3 of my closest friends...the details will remain a secret till we figure out our Business plans. but it is a "Sweet Plan"

3. I draw most of my rough sketches in bed. I finished my first Manuscript for a children's book and am working on all my own illustrations now...

4. I love to bake all kinds of goodies and love shipping them to work with my husband...

5. I have a sketch pad by my bed and when an idea comes to mind, I wake up and do a rough sketch...pretty silly I know...but I have so many crazy ideas...most of these are my dummy covers for the New Yorker..etc...

well that is a few little things...

Today I feature a bundt cake for the "Yummy Sketch of the Day" I was looking at all my baking equipment and saw my bundt pans and this just came to

and now that I am addicted to these cute little black dresses I added another one to the mix...

Today I baked some homemade chocolate chip had to add a shot of that too....and I am so thrilled that one of my orchids from a year back has bloomed again...just looking at it makes me long for gardening season and warmer days...ahhhhhh!
Well have a great night and pop by all week....



  1. Anonymous6:14 PM

    that cake looks great and your cookies too and the dress and oh and everything. i am heading over for some cookies

  2. thanks Lisa...and I will save you a

  3. That orchid is just gorgeous! The cookies made my mouth water (didn't dare show my husband or he would have drooled all over my laptop). Cute dress and interesting things about you. I'm surprised you don't have food designs on your little black dresses :)

  4. Thanks Teri...I am so happy with the new flowers on my orchid.....

    oh good point I will have to do a dress line around food...thanks!!!!


  5. what a wonderful full of interesting things, sweets and that orchid...oh, my !!!

  6. hi diana!
    your bundt cake is wonderful. it made me smile because my grandma used to bake bundt cakes. she was the most important person in the world to melanie and i growing up and your illustration just warmed my heart. i loved reading about your sketches. your work is so inspired. i can tell it comes from your heart and that you listen to your heart by keeping your sketch pad by your bed.
    :) melissa

  7. Anonymous12:05 AM

    I am the cookie monster and those cookies are all

  8. so happy to be visiting to see all these great and yummy things...will be back soooon...

  9. Anonymous7:46 AM

    the cookies are simply mouthwatering & the orchid is simply beautiful...lovely post!

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    you weld? i'm impressed.interesting what you can learn on here

  11. It was great reading about you and getting to know you better. A business with three friends--terrific! Best of luck with that new venture. You are an example to artists and writers--keeping a sketch pad by your bed. Congrats on your first manuscript. Bravo! Bravo! You are a talented and busy artist.

  12. Bundt cake and then *real* cookies??? Pleasure overload. The flowers make me so, so eager for spring! Thank you for letting us know a bit more about you too!

  13. Wonderful illustrations, Diana! I am glad to have found you.

  14. Diana, you are one interesting woman blessed with many skills and talents. Your house must smell like heaven!
    *Beautiful orchids! My mother got tired waiting for her orchid to bloom, so she went out and bought “fake” orchids and stuck it to her orchid plants.

  15. Anonymous2:04 PM

    the cookies look scrumptious!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who takes pix of the food she makes!! I take pix all the time! The illustrations on your blog are lovely...I should show you my cupcake doodles...I have a thing for all things cake!! check out:

    she has some wonderful looking recipes on there!
    talkies soon!

    a : )

  16. Hi Diana! I'm drooling over those cookies... the sketchpad next to the bed isn't crazy at all! Comes in handy when you wake up at 3am with about 12 ideas in your head and have to jot them all down, only to find that they don't make sense in the morning (or is that just me?!)

    P.S. I think the business idea sounds sweet!

  17. your drawings are delightful, your son adorable, but your food blogging is too caloric for my viewing as I have taken on a challenge to lose weight, get in and stay in shape this year and peeking in here is too darn tempting.

    Tell me when you draw more and bake less.

    LOL ;-)


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