Sunday, January 20, 2008

Yummy Sketch of the Day - Lasagna and some fun updates...

Hi Everyone....

Today I am featuring a big slice of Lasagna....Kathleen mentioned she has a delish recipe for meatless maybe she will feature her recipe for everyone!!!

I hope it fills you up and makes you feel warm...

The weekend seemed to fly by...Friday was a wonderful time with all of my friends...we laughed so hard and they enjoyed my cupcakes...

I am working on so many new illustrations and some new paintings....the illustrations are for children's lit work and I have a series of cupcake paintings I am working on. I am really enjoying my series of paintings...(you know me and

I will post some once they are complete...

I have also added another dress from my 2008 collection...These are going to be Bridesmaid and Maid of Honor cards....

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are inspired to do something creative this week...




  1. Mmmm-mmm-mmmm! That lasagna sure looks goooood! I may have to post my recipe. Thanks Diana.

    And I have to tell you that I really LOVE the bridesmaid/maid of honor card. Really sweet!

    Have a good week...I will be back for more helpings of Yummy Sketches this week. Can't wait to see what is on the menu...

  2. Anonymous12:01 AM

    oh that is exactly what I am in the mood for extra cheese for me

    looks great

  3. Ah, lasagna. You just made me hungry. That is a really cute bridesmaid card.

  4. Oh, by the way Diana, did you notice that I changed my blog colors to mint-chocolate-caramel? I have been craving it all weekend. But now every time I see my blog it drives me nuts because the craving won't go away! LOL! Reminds me of your post of mint chocolate chip ice cream last week!

  5. Anonymous10:01 AM

    love the dress and shoes very cute

  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    oh that lasagna looks so tasty everytime I get hungry I just pop by your blog and always get a treat


  7. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I love your style, it's so happy and fun!

  8. wonderful, those shoes !!!! may I add a link on my blog to your blog ???

  9. Delicious again including the dress, but look at those high heeled shoes. I'd fall flat on my face if I wore those. The last time I wore heels was last year and even then I caould only take 1 and 1/2 or 2 inches :-) I wonder how some women do it.


Thank you for popping by my blog.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and look forward to hearing from you. Your comments and feedback are greatly appreciated. You can also check out more of my work on my web site....

Have a wonderful day or night...