Saturday, November 30, 2013

My Sweet Saturday....and a little more than a 10 Minute Warm up....Getting Ready for Advent!!!

I made my bonbon advent wreath all in white with some sparkle....
I used some cute little containers for the gifts

wrapped each container in a beautiful tissue paper...I just cut the piece in half lengtthwise and it was perfect!

for the final candy...I placed our Baby Jesus in it....The Greatest Gift at Christmas...It is our tradition that Cole places Baby Jesus in the Manger on Christmas Eve.....Happiness!

laid them out to see if they would fit on the hanger wire

This is a white metal hanger from the dry cleaners. I just made it into a circle.

tied all the candies to the hanger and hung Cole's Advent wreath. I love it all in white....

Hi my name is Diana Evans and I am a Pinterest other day I spotted this super cool Advent wreath idea that turned little gift containers into cool candy bonbons....and then a gorgeous wreath.....The pin took me to a website called " Oh Happy Day" and I found this super cool project ....
They did a neat one all in it....but we are into a Black and White Christmas in our I went with an all white with sparkle.....Happiness!!!!

so I had to work on it.....and just in time for Advent that will start tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow I will share some of my Christmas Decor!!!!

Happy Sweet Saturday Everyone and Happy Creating....

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Sweet Saturdays...and 10 Minute Warm Up......

Hi Everyone!!! and welcome to week # 126 of Sweet Saturdays.....I created this fun challenge to make us focus on the Sweet things around us....more focus on the good and positive equals a more positive life....we took a little break from this ....but it is back!!

Sweet Saturdays is all about blogging about something sweet in our could be art, illustrations, food, a recipe or a sweet photo....or a sweet find in your favorite create your blog post and pop back and share your link with all of us....

Welcome and we look forward to seeing your posts.....

Please make sure to add Sweet Saturdays to your blog post and post the URL address of that post and NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for Sweet Saturdays when they arrive at your website.

Join have to give it a shot!! I know it will change your days and make you enjoy the little miracles all around you...I am changing the rules...this will be a one time a week challenge....I do hope you can spare 10 minutes to do something fun and creative and share it with us every Saturday!!!!!....

10 Minute Warm Up is about taking 10 minutes of your day to breathe, relax, open up your mind to possibilities and then create can be inspired to sketch your coffee cup....something on your desk....your table....anything....try is a great way to start the day....then pop back here and share it so we can all see and be inspired by each other!!! I have a linkie thing here so you can add your work any day of the week ....Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, join me!!! won't you!

Happy Sweet Saturday, Happy 10 Minute Warm Up....and Happy Creating.....

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Friday, November 29, 2013

Paint Party Friday....Wooden Gingerbread Men! oh my!

I have been a fan of all things Gingerbread and I just love Gingerbread I decided to make some that will last all year long...some wooden ones....painted them with munchkin and I think they are as cute as can be and were super easy to make!!!!

Wishing you all a wonderful day filled with inspiration!!!! I have a few more projects to work on!!!!


Happy PPF Everyone and Happy Creating....

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wishing our Neighbours to the South of us a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wishing all of my American Friends a wonderful and amazing Thanksgiving....I am so grateful each and every day and I am also grateful to know you all!!! 

Happy Thursday Everyone and Happy Creating....

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Gingerbread House Traditions!!! Happiness!!!

Hi Everyone...

We have been busy getting into the Holiday Spirit of things and we have decked the halls....and most recently worked on our Annual Gingerbread House!!! what a wonderful time....

I love our little tradition to make Gingerbread houses and it is so much fun to look at all the photos from past sweet !!!!

I know a lot of our friends to the South of us will be Celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend...but up in Canada we are in Christmas full swing....Happiness!!!!

Happy Wednesday Everyone and Happy Creating....

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Monday Everyone....Follow your heart......

A little Monday quote for you all....

I am doing more things that my heart is telling me to do and it is changing my life in many ways!!!!

Happy Monday Everyone and Happy Creating....

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