Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Made in France.......Essence Line.....and a free Stamp for you!

Hi Everyone.....

I just picked up a few bottles of this amazing new product that is available at my local Shopper's Drug Mart.....the make up line is called "Essence" and it is super affordable and great quality....I love these super fun nail colours that are small enough to grab and take to the cottage and I have to say I did my nails in "Let's get lost" blue and I love it....super coverage in two coats....and the colour looks amazing.....These are super affordable at $1.49 each....yeah you heard me.....I am impressed with the quality and the fact that I love anything made in France....lol

I am going to try more of the Essence line....

I also made a special Made in France digital stamp you can all use for your fun projects....you can get the file here......Made in France Stamp

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sweet Saturdays Blog Challenge - week 67...come join the fun!

Sweet Saturdays

Hi Everyone!!! and welcome to week # 067 of Sweet Saturdays.....

Sweet Saturdays is all about blogging about something sweet in your lives...it could be art, illustrations, food, a recipe or a sweet photo....or a sweet find in your favorite shop...so create your blog post and pop back and share your link with all of us....

Welcome and we look forward to seeing your posts.....

Please make sure to add Sweet Saturdays to your blog post and post the URL address of that post and NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for Sweet Saturdays when they arrive at your website.

Bird Update.....my Sweet Saturdays week 67 post.....

here are my planters on the wall.....and what do you find living in them...but some cute babies in their sweet little nest.....

Hi Everyone....I am sharing an update on our cute little doves that have quadrupled in size in the last week...holy smokes...what are these birds eating to grow so fast....I just snapped an updated shot of these babies and they are as sweet as can be so I had to share these with you all .....I think they will be taking flight in the next few days.....how exciting for these little guys!!!!

hope you all spread your wings and fly!!!

Happy Sweet Saturday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Paint Party Friday....featuring the art of a very amazing little artist....

Hi Everyone....and welcome to my blog.....today is Friday and I am thrilled to share a sweet piece of art our cute little munchkin worked on.....I am in love with his use of colour and his love of painting....We were doing some reading and writing and then I said I think we should draw.....and Cole turned to me and said...

"Mommy, I think we need to paint like real artists do".....and how could I say no to that....so he painted this super amazing abstract that looks like a magical landscape scene to me.....I am sharing this with all of my super amazing and talented friends over at Paint Party Friday this week....I was also going to show a new painting of mine....but it is all about munchkin's work today....and I am so super proud......so I hope you enjoy it!!!

Happy Friday Everyone....and Happy Creating.....

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WOYWW - Shady Ladies.......and my secret for perfect skin.....

Hi Everyone....working on some fun stuff in the Studio today.....some retro ladies came to life from way back when....I will be working one of these ladies into a cool scene sometime soon so stay tuned!!!! so these are on my workspace today and I am sharing them with everyone for WOYWW

Do you like the sun? are you a sun worshiper....or are you a shady lady?

I love the sun and the beach and I love to get that gorgeous glow but I am all about keeping my skin young too.....so I have found something super simple that really makes your skin look amazing.....

I use Organic Coconut oil on my skin and it does wonders!!! It is a natural anti-aging cream and it doesn't cost a small fortune either....did you also know that using it to cook with is way healthier and better for your waste.....

Coconut oil is one of nature's richest source of medium-chain triglycerides. These are special fatty acids. They are very different from most other dietary fats that are stored in the body. The medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil ( *lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid) are used right away to create energy, rather than being accumulated by the body and turned into fat that is stored in all the wrong places. This is one reason why it can actually promote weightloss.....how cool is that.....I think I have to start cooking with this stuff more.....

Have a super day and Thank you for being here.....
Happy Tuesday and Happy Creating Everyone....

Monday, July 23, 2012

The girl with the Rose hat......sketch and painted version....

Happy Monday Everyone.....

Today I thought I would share my Girl with the Rose hat....I did a sketch of her ages ago on watercolour paper....and finally painted her....I have a sketch too....I think I will be working on a digital version of her in colour....just so you can see how she changes with each medium....

Have a super amazing start to your week....

Happy Monday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

On my list....Hot Air Ballooning....

Hi Everyone....and Happy Sunday....

I have always been in love with hot air balloons....and I was just thinking about them this morning....and then I thought....I will add this as a reward for me myself and I when I reach my next milestone.....so I just added Hot Air Ballooning to my list of things I am going to try over the next year.....There is something magical to me about these flying air masses....something peaceful and can you imagine the way things look from way up there....I want to ride one that is super colourful and fun....and I want to take hundreds of photos and I want to kiss on a hot air balloon too......

Have you been on a hot air balloon? do you want to go on one?

I do!!!

Happy Sunday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sweet Saturdays Blog Challenge week 66...come join in the fun....

Sweet Saturdays

Hi Everyone!!! and welcome to week # 066 of Sweet Saturdays.....

Sweet Saturdays is all about blogging about something sweet in your lives...it could be art, illustrations, food, a recipe or a sweet photo....or a sweet find in your favorite shop...so create your blog post and pop back and share your link with all of us....

Welcome and we look forward to seeing your posts.....

Please make sure to add Sweet Saturdays to your blog post and post the URL address of that post and NOT your blog home page URL address as there are many late visitors who get confused as to which post is for Sweet Saturdays when they arrive at your website.

My Sweet Saturdays week 66 post......baby doves just hatched this week!!!

Hi Everyone....

This is the third time we have had baby doves in our garden....second time in the same planters on our wall....and they just hatched in time for our Birthday's this past week....Cole was super happy that they hatched on his Birthday on the 15th of July....he says they wanted to share in his special day....

Super Sweet and perfect for Sweet Saturdays!!!

Happy Sweet Saturday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Brad! and some paint party Friday work....

Hi Everyone....today is a very special day.....today we celebrate my sweet husband's 40th Birthday......

Happy 40th Birthday to my amazing super talented gorgeous Husband Brad .....we are so blessed to have you in our lives and every day we laugh and share some amazing times together....you are the sun and moon and the whole world to us......Wishing you an amazing day and weekend of fun!!!!

We love to enjoy the outdoors and especially anything to do with water....so I have decided to share this painting I did of the beach for all of my paint party friday friends....I have been enjoying this wonderful summer holiday but who could turn down painting the beach..........

Wishing you all an amazing Friday.....we will be celebrating all weekend....

Happy Friday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Garlic Harvest 2012.....WOYWW 163

Hi Everyone.....

Every Thanksgiving weekend my Mom and our munchkin plant the garlic for the following year.....and yesterday we harvested all of our 2012 bulbs....some will be saved for planting and most will be used in delightful dishes.....My Mom is the master Garlic Braider....and we have fun cleaning up this stuff and enjoying it.....I will be making tons of Guacamole with this harvest and roasting some too.....

So today I am sharing some fun photos of our Garlic Harvest and also sharing a few illustrations I worked on all about garlic.... Hope you are all having a super amazing week....

Happy Wednesday and Happy Creating.....

Sharing this with all of my friends over at WOYWW.......since this is what I have on my workspace today....

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Summer of Colour ....week 6

Well you know what they say....."Time flies when you're having fun"

it sure does....today is the start of the last week of the Summer of Colour....and I am sad that it is over....it flew by and was a blast and a half......The above piece is my take on the colours for this week....all inspired by "Watermelon Ice"......

and I also thought I would share the six weeks of my Summer of colour....

What a super fun time.....

Thanks for being here and I wish you all a wonderful start to the week....

Happy Monday and Happy Creating Everyone!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy Birthday to our son Cole.....

Here is the special cake I just baked and decorated for munchkin!!!! hope he loves it!!! 

Happy Birthday to our son Cole.....

Today is a day I will never ever forget.....Six years ago I received the greatest gift in the world. My little man came into our lives and from that moment on everything was super clear to me....the sheer enjoyment he brings to me each and every day.....not to mention that I have learned more in the last six years with him around than I have for years previous.....he has opened my eyes to see everything in a whole different light....to find enjoyment in the little things each and every day.....to delight in a bumble bee, ask silly questions, or look at flowers wide eyed with happiness.....he has taught me so much and I am by no means a perfect person....but some how through his eyes.....and his words I feel super special each and every day.....and that is truly the greatest gift in the world....

The biggest thing he has taught me was to just take a leap....and try new things....even if you get hurt or fall you can always try again....he also makes me think about so many important things in life...especially family....he is perfection to me and I am so proud of him and all he has done in these last few years....

Happy Birthday Cole....you made me believe in dreams again! We love you more than words can ever say.....

hope you have a super amazing day today!!!! it will be filled with love....


Mommy and Daddy....