Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Sweet Saturdays" Week # 005

Sweet Saturdays

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April 29th 2011 004

April 29th 2011

Hi Everyone and welcome to week 5 of "Sweet Saturdays"

What is "Sweet Saturdays" all about.....

Sweet Saturdays is all about sharing things with can publish something sweet on your blog every Saturday and share it with us here....a photo, a recipe, an art piece an illustration or a story ...anything that is sweet.....and add your link here every Saturday.....

This will help remind us that life is sweet and little things can make a big difference....

This week I thought I would share with you a new wood and pyrography piece that is titled "The greatest gift is Family" I created it using a wood canvas and burned all the details into it and then added some touches of liquid acrylics....I thought it would be sweet for this week's post....

I also ordered my first set of mini moos....from
and the quality of their product blew me away!!! I have to say this is the best quality cards I have ever purchased.....I also love that you can use several designs....I used 100 of my art pieces to create my cards....and thank heavens I ordered 400 because they are that cute and I am having a hard time giving them

The stock they use is superior...and the colours are amazing....Thank you MOO!!! I will be ordering from them again....

I also thought I would share a link to a commission I worked on for the Royal can have a look at that post here....

What a sweet week....and I wish you all a very Sweet Saturday!!!

So show us your sweet stuff....and also help spread the word.....

Friday, April 29, 2011

So thrilled to be a part of this from afar......The Royal Wedding.....April 29th 2011

William and Kate 3- etsy

I am so looking forward to watching the Royal Wedding....It will be amazing and I was also thrilled to be commissioned to create a special commemorative watercolour for this event.....The original painting is a watercolour and ink on French 140lb paper.....and is heading to it's new home in London England.....I can't wait to see the Abbey all decorated with 82,000 dollars worth of is supposed to look like an enchanted forest.....and I can't wait to see all the flowers....let alone her dress and well ....just about everything.......I am enjoying every moment vicariously through Kate.....

here is the procession route all mapped on it to see a larger version of it

will and kate

I was also thrilled that they allowed me to also use this piece as a limited Edition Print in my collection on-line.....

I am submitting this painting today for Paint Party it seems like a perfect fit for a painting and a perfect post for a very Special Historical Day....

Happy Creating and Happy Friday Everyone....

Congratulations Prince William and Princess Catherine!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Major Storms here....a few shots of our Spring Blooms .... and you can meet our new friend.....Gary

We are having some scary storms here I wanted to share some shots some of my plants outside before they are destroyed by the wind....and my indoor tulips....and we wanted you to meet our new friend....a snail we call Gary.....

Yesterday when we went to school in the morning there was a poor snail in a large puddle....Cole and I saved him at school and placed him in the grass....the bell rang and Cole asked me to take him I did....I then logged on and looked up what snails eat.....and read they love apples....who I cut up an apple and the snail was in heaven....he ate and ate and then went into his shell and slept and slept....I was shocked at the cute bites out of the apple slice......

We slice fresh apple twice a day for him...and he is so cute...once the storms let up we will give him a new home in our backyard.....

Happy Thursday!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A happy medium......I am finally happy with the outcome...

bee lieve 4

bee lieve 3

Love Birds 3

Love Birds 5

I finally found a happy medium with my latest wood and pyrography pieces...When I first started a series of these in 2009 I debated on whether or not I would paint the whole thing or leave it without paint....but I think a little bit of colour really makes these pop and leaving a lot of the wood exposed really helps to add focus to my detailed pyrography finally I am happy with the results....and I also have you to thank ....all of you that visited my burned bee post and decided that a bit of colour would be a good thing....Here is the initial bee if you missed it.....

The bee is all done...and the final piece is titled "BEE"lieve and it is now in my Etsy shop....

The second piece is titled "Love Birds" and is also for sale in my Etsy shop....

Now back to the Studio to work on more of these Happy Mediums!!!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Creative Tuesdays - Short and Tall

tall and short blog

Doesn't matter whether we are tall or short....there is beauty at all levels....
This week over at Hot Toast and Jam another Creative Tuesday is be sure to pop by and check out everyone submission for "short and tall"

I have another piece up my sleeve....but it will have to wait till pop back !!! I have new stuff brewing every day.....

Have a wonderful Creative Tuesday Everyone!!!

and don't forget to check out this book project over at 100 Illustrations....your work could be published.....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

April 23rd 2011 005 b
Wishing you and your Families a Blessed Easter this year.....we have been spending lots of time with family and friends and have been creating some fun things to celebrate Easter this year..... Cole wanted to share some of his amazing Easter Crafts with all of you and to start here is a special cross he worked on.....Cole made a few of these....and they are just gorgeous.....He is so amazing with his art and I love that he wants to create each and every day....I always feel that I am doing what I was meant to do my whole life....when I create each and every day....but teaching young children about art and creating feeds my soul....I feel so blessed to be able to do what I do....
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Cole also worked on all kinds of fun Bunnies and Eggs this week he created this special silly Bunny Head for Sunday Sketches....he says he wants to participate each week
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this bunny head makes me laugh out loud...and I will keep it in my Studio every day .....
and I did my sketches on these fun bunny bodies....I was inspired by all the eggs and bunnies around this these guys are my submission to Sophia's Sunday Sketches .....
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and these gorgeous tulips ....I just got these from my amazing Brother and my Sister-in-law....they make me so happy just looking at them.....I love love love tulips!!!!
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and another fun all the yummy wrapped chocolates that are in our little kitchen vignette all put together by our cutie pie....he is in charge of any Holiday decorating on our kitchen island...........all to be eaten today for Easter....yummy!!! the diet will have to start on Tuesday this coming week!!!!
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April 23rd 2011 035

April 23rd 2011 036

Wishing you all a wonderful Sunday ....may it be filled with Family, Friends and Love....

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

"Sweet Saturdays" Week # 004 Away from the Studio ...working for the Easter Bunny....and my sweetie Cole...

Hi Everyone!!!

I took some time away from the Studio during Holy Week to focus on my family and friends....and also to work on some treats for Cole's Classmates..

so I thought I would share some fun things I have worked on and some cute things I purchased for Easter......

I made these fun Bunny tags for Cole's friends at school...we added them to our treat can check them out below....
April 20th 2011 018
I had to share this cute Bunny Cycle....My Mom just gave it to me cute is this!!!! I picked up some cute this really cool candy cupcake is adorable........

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Here are the little Easter treats we packaged up for his class.....

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When I saw these cupcake candy holders I had to get them.....what fun!!! and the colours are so bright and cheery!!!
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and our friend Kristin Dudish posted this fun tutorial last week on making chocolate covered I had to make these for my sweeties......and had to show them off here.....

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and while I was shopping I found this handmade bunny decoration....all wood and hand painting....I love it!!!

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and here is my bunny and treats all ready for a special little gift.....

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I thought these fun things would be perfect for "Sweet Saturdays" this week....hope to see some more sweetness from all of you.....

Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Good Friday and Happy Earth Day.....and Paint Party Friday....

Earth day

Happy Good Friday Everyone ....sending you all Blessings this Holy Week....and Happy Earth Day 2011....This year, Earth Day's theme is themed after A Billion Acts of Green. May we all do a little something to keep our planet Healthy and Happy.

I did this ink and digital piece for today and also am submitting it to Paint Party Friday. Wishing you all a wonderful day....

oh and don't forget to read about this amazing opportunity to get your work Published......

and don't forget to pop by here for "Sweet Saturdays" and share something with all of us...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

CALL for Illustrators - New Book Project - 100 Illustrations - Free to all

As the Founder of 100 Illustrations I am all about giving back and helping people get their work noticed. I truly believe that in giving we here is a new project that we are starting up right now....Our mandate at 100 Illustrations is to help market and get your work out in the world. We are planning on publishing a new book. The new Project is titled

100 Illustrations - My Favorite Food

Head to our blog to read all about this!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sharing my fun little process ..... try it out!

Today I thought it would be fun to share a little process I go through once a week. It is a really fun way to just create with no idea of the final outcome.....Each piece is a little piece of a puzzle I put together as I get inspired..... and throughout the week I create pieces as an on-going little mini today I worked on this piece......and now for my process......

1 big sketchbook
1 pencil or ink pen
Relaxing place

    Directions.....sit in a comfortable place with your handy sketchbook, draw anything and can pick a theme today for example I was inspired by blooms and mother nature.....keep drawing away till you fill up your page. Each piece can be anything ....any shape and you can create multiple styles of something. For example today I created several petal like pieces....all to be used this week to create new fun florals......So below is my page all doodled up......

    surface design floral 3

    I then take these pieces and create bigger things with the pieces....a little creative process I thought I would share with you all today....

    surface design floral 2

    surface design floral

    Throughout the week use these mini sketches in a collection to create new pieces of can even use this as a warm up for your Studio is fun and addicting......So try it out ....I challenge you to try this fun process and come back here and share it with us....